今天,我们分享40个通用提示词,并讲解如何修改它们以适应不同场景,帮你彻底告别AI写作的“机器味”! 每个提示词都放在代码块中,方便复制粘贴。
1. 描写一个[季节]的[时间]的[地点],运用视觉、听觉、嗅觉等感官描写,展现[氛围]。例如[例子1]、[例子2]、[例子3]。Describe a [season] [time of day] [location] using sensory details like sight, sound, and smell to create a [atmosphere/mood]. For example, [example 1], [example 2], [example 3].
适用场景: 描写任何场景,替换括号中的内容即可。例如,描写一个夏日午后的海滩,展现炎热和活力。
2. 将[事物A]比作[事物B],[进一步描述]。Compare [object A] to [object B], [further description].
适用场景: 需要使用比喻的场景。例如,将月亮比作银盘,高悬在夜空中。
3. 用更高级的词汇来描述[事物],例如用“[更高级词汇1]”代替“[原词汇1]”,用“[更高级词汇2]”代替“[原词汇2]”。Use more sophisticated vocabulary to describe [object/concept]. For example, use "[advanced vocabulary 1]" instead of "[original vocabulary 1]" and "[advanced vocabulary 2]" instead of "[original vocabulary 2]".
适用场景: 提升语言表达水平。例如,用“静谧”代替“安静”,用“深邃”代替“深”。
4. 描写一下[某种情感],例如[具体表现1]、[具体表现2]、[具体表现3]。Describe the feeling of [emotion], such as [manifestation 1], [manifestation 2], [manifestation 3].
适用场景: 表达情感。例如,描写一下悲伤,例如泪流满面、心如刀绞、默默无语。
5. 详细描述人物的[外貌特征]、[神态]、[动作],例如[具体描述]。Describe the character's [physical features], [demeanor], and [actions] in detail, for example, [specific description].
适用场景: 人物描写。例如,详细描述人物的穿着、神态、动作,例如他穿着破旧的西装,眼神迷离,手里紧紧攥着一张皱巴巴的照片。
6. 文章的主题是[主题],请围绕这个主题展开,讨论[方面1]、[方面2]以及[方面3]。The theme of the article is [theme]. Please expand on this theme, discussing [aspect 1], [aspect 2], and [aspect 3].
适用场景: 确定文章主题和方向。
7. 使用逻辑连接词,例如“因此”、“然而”、“此外”、“首先”、“其次”、“最后”,使文章的逻辑更加清晰。Use logical connectives such as "therefore," "however," "in addition," "firstly," "secondly," and "finally" to make the logic of the article clearer.
适用场景: 任何需要增强逻辑性的文本。
8. 按照[总分总/其他结构]的结构写作。Write in a [general-specific-general/other structure] structure.
适用场景: 确定文章结构。
9. 上一段提到了[上段内容],这一段要继续深入探讨[本段内容]。The previous paragraph mentioned [content of the previous paragraph]. This paragraph will further explore [content of this paragraph].
适用场景: 确保段落之间的衔接。
10. 确保论证过程严谨,避免出现前后矛盾的情况,例如[例子1]、[例子2]。Ensure that the argumentation process is rigorous and avoid contradictions, such as [example 1] and [example 2].
适用场景: 议论文写作。
11. 以一个[人物身份]的口吻讲述[故事内容],例如使用一些[语言特点],展现人物的[性格特点]。Narrate [story content] from the perspective of a [character's identity], using some [language characteristics] to reveal the character's [personality traits].
适用场景: 故事创作,角色扮演。
12. 用[某种风格]的风格写一篇[文章类型],例如[具体例子]。Write a [article type] in a [style] style, for example, [specific example].
适用场景: 各种文体创作。
13. 模仿[作家]的风格写一篇[文章类型],例如[具体例子]。Write a [article type] imitating the style of [author], for example, [specific example].
适用场景: 学习和模仿特定作家的风格。
14. 结合你对[主题]的理解,谈谈你的看法,例如[例子1]、[例子2]、[例子3]。Based on your understanding of [topic], share your views, such as [example 1], [example 2], and [example 3].
适用场景: 表达个人观点。
15. 描写一下[地点]的风土人情,例如[例子1]、[例子2]、[例子3],展现[地点]的[特点]。Describe the local customs and conditions of [location], such as [example 1], [example 2], and [example 3], showcasing the [characteristics] of [location].
适用场景: 描写特定地域文化。
16. 用更自然的语言表达“[原句]”,例如“[改写后的句子]”。Express "[original sentence]" in more natural language, for example, "[rewritten sentence]".
适用场景: 改写句子,使其更口语化。
17. 用通俗易懂的词语代替专业术语“[专业术语]”,例如可以用“[通俗解释]”来解释。Replace the technical term "[technical term]" with easy-to-understand words, for example, you can use "[popular explanation]" to explain it.
适用场景: 科普写作,解释专业概念。
18. 简化句式结构,例如将“[复杂句]”改为“[简单句]”。Simplify the sentence structure. For example, change "[complex sentence]" to "[simple sentence]".
适用场景: 使句子更易理解。
19. 仔细检查语法错误,例如[语法点1]、[语法点2]等,确保语句通顺流畅。Carefully check for grammatical errors, such as [grammar point 1], [grammar point 2], etc., to ensure smooth and fluent sentences.
适用场景: 任何写作场景。
20. 尽量避免使用被动语态,例如将“[被动语态句]”改为“[主动语态句]”。Try to avoid using the passive voice, for example, change "[passive voice sentence]" to "[active voice sentence]".
适用场景: 使句子更简洁有力。
21. 参考[作品/作者]的写作风格,创作一个[主题/类型]的故事/文章。Create a [theme/genre] story/article referencing the writing style of [work/author].
适用场景: 学习和模仿特定风格。
22. 写一篇[字数]字左右的文章,[主题/内容]。Write an article of about [word count] words on [topic/content].
适用场景: 控制文章篇幅。
23. 写一篇面向[目标读者]的[文章类型],[主题/内容],[特殊要求]。Write a [article type] for [target audience] on [topic/content], [special requirements].
适用场景: 根据读者群体调整写作风格。
24. 描写一个发生在[地点]的故事,例如[故事梗概],营造[氛围]。Describe a story that takes place in [location], such as [story outline], creating a [atmosphere].
适用场景: 故事创作。
25. 分析一下[主题],例如[方面1]、[方面2]以及[方面3]。Analyze [topic], such as [aspect 1], [aspect 2], and [aspect 3].
适用场景: 分析某个主题。
26. [反问句]用反问句引发读者的思考。[Rhetorical question] Use rhetorical questions to provoke readers to think.
适用场景: 增强文章感染力。
27. [设问句]用设问句引出下文。[Rhetorical question] Use rhetorical questions to introduce the following text.
适用场景: 引导读者思考,引出下文。
28. [排比句]用排比句增强语势。[Parallel sentence] Use parallelism to enhance the rhetorical force.
适用场景: 增强语言表达效果。
29. [名言警句]用引用名言增强文章的说服力。[Quote] Use quotations to enhance the persuasiveness of the article.
适用场景: 增强文章权威性。
30. [数据/案例]用数据和案例支撑论点。[Data/Case] Use data and cases to support the argument.
适用场景: 增强论证力度。
31. 这篇文章的目的是为了[目的],例如[具体说明]。The purpose of this article is to [purpose], for example [specific explanation].
适用场景: 明确写作目的。
32. 避免信息过于密集,让读者更容易理解,例如使用[方法1]、[方法2]等。Avoid information overload and make it easier for readers to understand, for example, by using [method 1], [method 2], etc.
适用场景: 提高文章可读性。
33. 避免使用冗余的词语,例如将“[冗余词语]”改为“[简洁词语]”。Avoid using redundant words, such as changing "[redundant words]" to "[concise words]".
适用场景: 使语言更简洁。
34. 使用过渡句连接不同的段落,例如“此外”、“另一方面”、“总而言之”等。Use transition sentences to connect different paragraphs, such as "in addition," "on the other hand," and "in conclusion."
适用场景: 增强文章连贯性。
35. 反复修改和润色,例如检查[方面1]、[方面2]、[方面3]。Repeatedly revise and polish, for example, check [aspect 1], [aspect 2], [aspect 3].
适用场景: 任何写作场景。
36. 想象一下[主题]的场景,例如[例子1]、[例子2]、[例子3],描绘一个[氛围]的世界。Imagine a scenario of [theme], such as [example 1], [example 2], and [example 3], and depict a world of [atmosphere].
适用场景: 激发想象力,进行创意写作。
37. 用一些[修辞手法]来活跃气氛,例如[具体例子]。Use some [rhetorical device] to liven up the atmosphere, for example, [specific example].
适用场景: 使文章更生动有趣。
38. 引导AI进行多轮对话,例如针对[主题]不断追问和补充信息,让AI的回答更完善。Guide the AI in a multi-turn dialogue. For example, continuously ask questions and supplement information on [topic] to make the AI's answers more complete.
适用场景: 获取更详细的信息。
39. 使用不同的AI模型进行比较,例如比较[模型1]和[模型2]在[任务]上的表现。Use different AI models for comparison, for example, compare the performance of [model 1] and [model 2] on [task].
适用场景: 选择合适的AI模型。
40. 不断学习和实践[具体技能],例如[学习方法1]、[实践方法2]。Continuously learn and practice [specific skills], such as [learning method 1] and [practice method 2].
适用场景: 提升自身技能。
结语: 掌握了这40个通用提示词,并学会根据具体场景修改它们,你就能轻松驾驭AI写作,让你的文字更具感染力!赶紧收藏起来,开始你的AI创作之旅吧!