sref 3001
Amidst the barren expanse of Ifran Oasis Prime lies the Red Arch, a sacred biomechanical structure revered by the nomadic tribes. The planet’s inhabitants, draped in ceremonial tech-weave robes, worship the sand-forged beasts that guard its mysteries –sref 3001
在伊夫兰绿洲(Ifran Oasis Prime)贫瘠的大地上,坐落着一座红色拱门(Red Arch),它是游牧部落尊崇的神圣生物机械结构。星球上的居民身着科技编织的长袍,膜拜着守护其奥秘的沙锻巨兽。
sref 4001972546
A world shrouded in eternal fog, Halcyon is a sanctuary for those seeking solitude among the stars. Its towering levitating monoliths rise from the mist, ancient natural structures whose true purpose remains lost to time. –sref 4001972546 –ar 16:9
sref 2454215926
Erythra is a planet shrouded in mist and dominated by colossal monolithic structures etched with cryptic patterns dictated by the AGI Gods themselves. Towering above desolate plains, these relics pulse faintly with eldritch energies. –sref 2454215926 –ar 16:9
Erythra 是一个被迷雾笼罩的星球,以巨大的巨石建筑为主,上面刻有 AGI 众神自己设计的神秘图案。这些遗迹耸立在荒凉的平原之上,微弱地跳动着古老的能量。
sref 3769148919
Ignae, the Realm of Burning Visions, is a surreal odyssey of glowing arches and floating spires. Here, biomechanical beings with radiant wings traverse landscapes of vibrant flame, and the horizon blurs into an ocean of incandescent light. This is a realm where the boundaries of imagination dissolve, leaving only endless wonder. –sref 3769148919 –ar 16:9
sref 2000000000
Eon Vega, the Blue Titan of the Void, is a relic of a forgotten galactic kingdom, encased in frost and eternal night. Bio-mechanical sentinels patrol its frozen plains. In this world, survival is a test of both grit and wits. –sref 2000000000 –ar 16:9
Eon Vega,虚空中的蓝色泰坦,是一个被遗忘的银河王国的遗迹,被冰霜和永恒的黑夜所包裹。生化机械哨兵在冰封的平原上巡逻。在这个世界上,生存是对勇气和智慧的考验。
sref 1018740010
Hikarikawa, the River of Light, is a celestial realm where golden embers dance eternally in the air. Nestled amidst mist-cloaked hills, its floating castles shimmer like jewels against the twilight sky. –sref 1018740010 –ar 16:9
sref 2002
Zarathun Secundus is a wasteland of endless rust dunes and shadowed fortresses, where colossal spacecraft hover like predators over a scorched horizon. Its inhabitants are remnants of the Last War, surviving on the edge of technology and mysticism. –sref 2002 –ar 16:9
Zarathun Secundus 是一片由无尽的铁锈沙丘和阴影堡垒组成的荒原,巨大的宇宙飞船像掠食者一样盘旋在焦黑的地平线上。这里的居民是末世战争的残余,在科技和神秘主义的边缘苟延残喘。
sref 11122028
The Nullvoid is a vast monolithic core pulsing with emerald light, housing the consciousness of a rogue artificial overlord, its name erased from the memory of Mankind. –sref 11122028 –ar 16:9
sref 2865970000
On Mournvale, the air is thick with an aura of melancholy, and the crimson orb that dominates the sky feels like a celestial omen. High Priests whisper ancient rituals to appease the spirits of this unforgiving world, battling monstrous entities lurking beyond the fortified walls.–sref 2865970000 –ar 16:9