- 城市速写:即时捕捉城市景观、繁华街道和建筑细节。
- 角色概念草图:游戏、漫画或电影的快速研究,通常侧重于比例、服装和表情
- 极简线条艺术:强调轮廓线,尽量减少阴影,在数字肖像素描和社论插图中很受欢迎
- 混合艺术:将铅笔线条与数字彩色水洗相结合,在铅笔画上叠加蜡笔或记号笔等。
- 提及环境或主题:“安静的咖啡馆餐桌 a quiet café table”、”月光下的林间空地 moonlit forest clearing “或 “黄昏时分的城市屋顶 urban rooftop at dusk”。
- 指定宽高比:–ar 16:9 表示电影感,–ar 4:5 表示纵向友好格式。
- 灯光与氛围:使用提示语,如 “柔和的散射光 soft diffused lighting”、”刺眼的聚光灯 harsh spotlight “或 “温暖的夕阳光辉 warm sunset glow”。
- 添加气氛描述:“薄雾 light mist”、”轻雾 gentle fog”或 “轻微颗粒效果 slight particle effects”。
- 表情与姿势:描述拍摄对象的姿态或情绪:”微微驼背、内省的身影 slightly hunched, introspective figure”、”睁大眼睛的漫游者 introspective figure”或 “自信的英雄姿势 confident hero pose”。
- 在迭代中不断完善:
如果你想要更多纹理,可以添加 “铅笔阴影 pencil shading”、”十字划痕细节 crosshatch details “或 “粗糙的粉彩笔触 rough pastel strokes”。
如果要突出戏剧性,可以用 “粗犷的墨色轮廓 bold inky outlines”、”晕染的蜡笔 smudged crayons”或 “混合的记号笔 blended markers”来模仿传统媒介。
A lone traveler sketching at a café table, warm afternoon light, pencil outlines, soft crosshatch shading –ar 16:9
A whimsical forest creature in pastel crayons, dusk lighting, gentle mist, dynamic angle from below –ar 16:9
A vintage beautiful girl explorer portrait, bold marker lines, sepia overlay, moody shadows, centered close-up shot –ar 16:9
A city skyline at sunset, minimal line art, fine ink pens, subtle neon accents, wide panoramic view –ar 16:9
夕阳下的城市天际线,极简的线条艺术,精细的墨水笔,微妙的霓虹点缀,广阔的全景视角 –ar 16:9
A surreal still-life of floating teacups, multi-layered colored pencils, overhead lighting, fade-to-white background,–ar 4:5
A medieval female knight holding a torch, deep charcoal shading, single strong light source, dramatic perspective –ar 4:5
A joyful cartoon character mid-leap, bright marker colors, wiggly lines, nostalgic children’s book style –ar 16:9
A cosmic goddess with swirling hair, pastel crayons mixing with ink outlines, starlit backdrop, mid-shot –ar 3:2
An urban skate park scene, thick graphite outlines, high-contrast black and white, angled from ground-level, –ar 16:9
A tranquil lake reflection with layered color pencil shading, dawn light, gentle haze, bird’s-eye view composition –ar 2:3